External Relations, Information and Communication or HUBLU – INFOKOM is one of the divisions in HIMAGIKA which is in charge of establishing relationships and cooperation with external parties and publishing informative media

Head of Division 2017/2018: Nabila Hazhiyah I (2016)
Vice Head of Division 2017/2018: Ni Luh Ayu Sukma A (2016)

Staff Ahli

  1. Feby Nurul W (2016)
  2. I Made Dwi Angga A (2016)
  3. Jemima Tjokrohadi (2016)
  4. Nahdya Delfitra (2016)
  5. Ndaru Tejo L (2016)


  1. Anastasia Sita P (2017)
  2. Aulia Rizky K (2017)
  3. Dea Fairuz P (2017)
  4. Ignatia Benna Valencia (2017)
  5. Nurul Fitriani (2017)
  6. Rania Aisyah H (2017)
  7. Shania Putri A (2017)

Work Programs

  1. Nutrition Goes to School/NUGOS
  2. Pendelegasian ILMAGI (Terdiri dari Musyawarah Nasional, Rapat Kerja Nasional, LKMM-Pra Musyawarah Nasional, dan Gizi Peduli Indonesia)
  3. Interaksi Fakultas dan Universitas/INFUS (Visits to other student associations, both faculty and outside the university to discuss and share knowledge and work programs from each organization)
  4. Visitasi Stakeholder (Visit Food Industry, Hospital, and Catering)
  5. Gizi Expo (Introduction to Health Nutrition and HIMAGIKA to new students)
  6. Jaring-jaring (Admin social media HIMAGIKA)